Redefining Beauty Project Continues...Julie


Redefining Beauty Project Continues...Julie


Redefining Beauty Project began in 2012 as an ongoing collaboration with women across the world who share images of themselves after enduring surgeries, biopsies, or radiation. The 18 x 24 mixed media images are not shocking or disturbing, but rather they help all of us see the beauty of what lies beneath the surface. Breast cancer is uniquely linked to external archetypes of femininity and when bodies are altered, identity is often affected. Like the clothes and bras that cover the scars to make us feel “normal”, and “like ourselves again”, the series reveals the layers that reflect the complexities of accepting our imperfect bodies.

After several years off from this powerful project, I am kicking off the continuation in 2022 as my focus moves onto the next generation dealing with the affects of women’s cancers. If you would like to participate by sharing an image with me, please email me All images are deleted after printing.

As part of my effort to build community, for each person who shares an image, I will make a piece for them to keep.

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